Well I almost died on my way home from work today. You can't really hear the first honk where I tried to get his attention before laying on the horn and slamming on the brakes. Semi really saved me by being aware.

Red flags started popping soon as I saw that gap. Anyone who’s driven large vehicles know it can be a constant struggle with seeing the passenger side, which is why drivers are always told to pass on the left.

It’s a different conversation about large vehicles riding in the middle and left passing lanes, but it should be obvious that passing on the right side is a do-at-your-own-risk.

But the amount of times I’ve seen a semi passing another semi then trying to give enough headspace before merging back, and Impatient McGee swoops into the right lane to pass the passing semi, which causes everyone else to play follow-the-leader, and now the passing semi is stuck in the passing lane. /facepalm

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Link - v.redd.it