Me, im the idiot. Probably avoidable if I wasn’t going 90+

To play devils advocate, what about the white car in the left lane going the same speed as everyone else? People drive different speeds, I’m not trying to justify OP speeding, but the rule is keep to the right, except to pass. If that white car had been in the travel lanes instead of the passing lane, OP would’ve sped on by all of it without any of this happening.

Cause and effect. OP should not have been going that fast trying to weave in between a bunch of cars. But OP would not have been weaving in and out if people weren’t camped out in the left lane. It goes both ways, and since we don’t teach people how to drive in America anymore, This will continue to happen.

I’ve driven all over this country, over 1,000,000 miles since I started driving, and I would bet my life that greater than 90% of accidents are caused because of this exact scenario, someone camping in the left lane, someone coming up behind going faster than the pack of cars. I believe both arguments are valid, OP should not have been speeding like that, but that white car should not have been posted up in the far left lane going the same pace as everyone else.

If we as a country actually taught people how to drive, taught traffic theory, and the reasoning behind the laws of the road, there would be a lot less accidents.

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