A guy wanted a paternity test, to be sure. Everybody is telling him he's an asshole

God reading the thread was so fucking annoying. Do people not actually know how relationships work? Fuck, my face is actually feeling a little bit hot because of how annoyed that made me. I don't care too much about the paternity test or the guy's story, what I care about is how much people equate trusting someone to "You can never do me wrong".

Alright, let's take this little piece.

If he trusted her, then he would already know for sure. You are confusing doubt with trust. He told her that he thought she cheated on him. Calling someone a cheater means you don't think they are trustworthy."

Okay. I trust my friend to pay me back the money he owes me. However, I do not know for sure if he really would. Does that mean I don't trust him? Nah, I'm 90% sure he'll pay me back, but that doesn't mean he will. There's a difference between trust and blind faith, you know.

I also have a problem with this "Calling someone a cheater means you don't think they are trustworthy" bit. This guy makes it sound as if accusing them of cheating means they're not trustworthy in every aspect, ever. If my non-existent wife stole 50$ from me, does that mean I can't trust her with my money, or does that mean I can't trust her with my money, and I can't trust her too be faithful, and I can't trust her too not have some sort of STD, and I can't trust her too...

I'unno, that's probably an overreaction to how annoyed I got with people thinking trusting someone meant you think cannot, ever, think that they will do you harm, and thinking that they will means you do not trust them.

I also love this bit: "You accused her of cheating after half a decade of loyalty because you thought that women in general can't be trusted."

Yes guy. OP read shit online, got paranoid, and accused his wife of cheating. That means that he believes women in general are not trust worthy, despite nothing hinting at that.

Speaking of overreactions, I think OP's wife overreacted as well. Sure, it really fucking sucks to be accused of cheating, but is that one accusation worthy of divorcing after years of marriage, leaving their daughter with a single parent? God damn, is that a common thing or was OP's marriage not as good as he made it seem?

/r/MensRights Thread Link - i.imgur.com