To the guys who complain that they dropped from 3600 mmr to 1900 mmr since 6.87 hit.


One of my friends was playing Nature's Prophet and Enchantress in jungle almost every game. Their account is at 3k and has a 47% winrate. I sat down and watched their replays, and their micro is phenomenal - but their decision to run these heroes every game and play them as passive farmers is costing them the game.

So I told them to pick Viper and go mid every single game, and to fight nonstop, constantly harass, deny, take last hits, rotate every 2 minutes to contest runes, look for a gank opportunity every minute after the 5th... and fight to the death in every single fight.

I told them to engage the enemy any time they had a numbers advantage, and how to drop tower aggro. They've won 7 of their last 8 games with a 22+ KDA. It's not rocket science - they had great micro but just weren't showing up to fights and their team was losing games.

As soon as I gave them a hero they couldn't run with, that they had to go balls-to-the-wall and commit fights, they suddenly started killing people left-and-right, taking towers and winning the game. Their whole mentality changed, and I suspect they'll be 4k within the month.

But that had nothing to do with a hero spam. That's my point and why I agree with your statement - the fundamental skills problems that hold people back are much more important. Many people who are sitting at sub-4k have a bad mental habit they won't let go because they don't recognize that it's what is holding them back.

My friend who was always at a positive KDA in jungle - and lost - didn't get that if they took their micro skills and beat the enemy midlaner over the head with them, they would dominate games. It's really hard to lose when you're 60 / 20 LH/D @10 and the enemy is 15 / 0. They just lose.

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