is Hanure populated?

this is not true....your goals are what matters it is not unforgiving to new players any more or less then any other there are a lot of guilds having fun on the server and the wars are winnable by all sides. there is no reason other then no one as tried to, that a third or forth guild could rise to fight over the end game world bosses. the issue is the west think to big the whole heal the faction will never work and the east thinks it has already lost to aya one good GUILD leader could turn that around. Barcode ( pirates) will pvp all day aya wont you beat them back a few times and the port also player factions are coming soon so the servers power could shift when that happens. Gear is going to be as hard to get anywhere gold grinding sucks no matter the server. Do we have a good pop yes we have three active factions can you as a new player have fun yes can you as a new player get geared yes can you as a new play run the dungs yes. there is nothing unforgiving about our server if you as the player set a goal and find away to reach it. will barcode hand over a morph kill nope can you still get a morph kill yeap will aya hand over a dalp ghost ship ..yeah if you wipe them about the three times that hard not really...can you kill kraken maybe if you get the timer and are ready to fight for it red dragon only have to fight aya and that can be done barcode doers not bother with it can any of this be done with a pug HELL NO can any of this be done with 20 good pvpers you bet. the top guild barcode is not the best geared on the server they rank number three that show that gear does not trump skill and numbers don't always equal a win. so don't let the salty as fuck thumb suckers tell you this is not a good server chance are they are just not willing ot fight to get ahead and want things to be easy mode.

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