[Hastro] All 4 players on our Call of Duty team make a base salary of $30,000/year from our organization alone

Your basis for what 'is' and 'isn't' a real job seems to be if they benefit the country, and they're seeked all across the world, just to use your words.

You are not quoting me fully. You just implied you value gaming industry over STEM field? Are you serious?

Gaming over sciences, tech, engineering and math?

That's my basis for real jobs.

These industries I quoted as "real jobs" will pay for trainees. The jobs are seeked even in poorer & undeveloped countries. Gaming won't even pay if you are top 100-200. It doesn't matter if there's billions in the industry if it ain't going to be saturated across the board.

For every Nadeshot there are thousands who don't break the top 100.

The thousands of teams that don't qualify for 2nd tier don't have much money at the moment. All games. LoL, Dota 2, CSGO, StarCraft.

March 2016: Riot is unable to come to an agreement with casters for salary. Biggest esports title unwilling to fork out for the second biggest event of the year?

Scream $150,000 contract buyout. Look where the Titan org is now... Org is gone. They are shutting down.

March 2016:Team AGG unpaid for 2 months. FYI Ex AGG is in ESL Pro league.

March 2016:Team Vexxed has been unpaid for 6 month. Vexxed have qualified for 2 Majors FYI. They are no amateurs team.

Nov 2015: NiP which used to boast highest paid salary of $100,000 a year getting shafted for not getting paid. Has since been resolved They would have remained unpaid if Richard Lewis didn't dig this shit up.

Follow Richard Lewis. He has vods talking about how Korean LoL and StarCraft players that don't get paid.

Yes the Industry has potential. But at the moment the truth is it won't over take real jobs like sciences, tech, engineering and math. These "real industries" are government protected and backed.

League of Legend isn't even recognised with the recent visa issues of players aren't allowed to play NA LCS. Esports isn't recognised by American government in Jan 2016 and therefore visas will not be issued to foreign players. How can you say this is a real job if US Government doesn't?

Let me use the real head line.League of Legends pros unable to play because the German government doesn’t have eSports visas

You're nuts if you consider an invitation into a team instead of a position as a lab technician in oil industry.

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