I hate insane BTS fans

ARMY (BTS fan) here

I just wanna day that those “fans” can go right to hell. Music is completely subjective, idc if you think songs made of dying goat noises are the best damn songs on the planet, that’s your opinion. If you don’t like BTS, WHY TF SHOULD I CARE. That’s your opinion and that’s that. Now if you say BTS are ugly lesbian ch*nks (which I have heard before) or some shit I’m gonna be pissed that you’re being racist/homophobic but that’s a completely different issue.

90% of fans are chill. We listen to the music, we buy the albums, etc, but we don’t try to force it on other people. I tried to get my parents interested in BTS for about a week: my mom said she likes a few songs but that was it, my dad was genuinely interested. So now I shut up about BTS around my mom, added the songs she said she liked onto the playlists I play around her, and left it. However, since my dad was interested I talk to him about them, keep him updated, show him new videos, etc. And he’s become a pretty big fan of BTS. I never talk about BTS or play any of their stuff unless a) I’m with other ARMYs b) I’m somewhere (both on/offline) where BTS is relevant like a BTS concert or r/bangtan or c) they are already the topic of a discussion (like this thread)

I gotta say, BTS themselves would be ashamed of the people that send death threats to people that simply dislike their music. I mean ffs, they have an entire fucking antiviolence/anti bullying UN campaign!!

Anyways, please don’t judge BTS based off of these shitty people. I’m not saying you have to like them or anything but these crazy fans don’t represent BTS, their views, their music, or their fans

/r/teenagers Thread