Am I the only one that wants to see interest rates rise?!

Welp at least this guy’s honest

All that given, if you don’t have property that’s basically what us renters are looking at; the gamble between enough overleveraged people selling up and the shit hitting the fan for you without much as a member of the precariat class.

Im in a similar position to OP and I just want more houses to go onto the market to push the prices down.

Everything else you listed is secondary to just getting out from under the landlord. Renting has become very harsh in Australia and the only fix is to get your foot into the door of property.

We can pay a mortgage (we already pay most of our landlord’s), we just can’t pay it on house prices inflated this silly high.

Escape velocity of saving be rising rent and long term property prices is a real thing and many aren’t going to make it and end up lifetime renters. The pathway out is narrowing

/r/AusFinance Thread Parent