I haven’t seen anyone mention this, sorry if it’s already been discussed. Episode 5 when Cole tells Zanab she needs to stop fattening him up & that she’s fattening herself up.

Yep. And she made the reunion all about her. Like half the fucking episode was her verbally attacking Cole and how hurt she was, etc. She took up so much time attacking Cole, and seemingly everyone except SK, joined in on the attack. It was so fucked up! I am actually pissed. This is bullshit. They should all be ashamed of themselves for just blindly taking Zay's side because she is a manipulative woman. It took me a long time to see it, because she is subtle about it. But she is manipulative and wants other people to feel sorry for her. Cole, you dodged a bullet, my man. That woman would have made your life a living hell. Thank your lucky stars she said no. Cole deserves an angel. Zay ain't it.

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