what are some of your "unusual" triggers? if comfortable sharing


Generally, my mom sleeping is upsetting because it was the main sign of how completely alone I was as a kid and teen. If my mom was asleep, she was hard to wake up and would not stay awake unless someone was in immediate physical danger. She slept 12 hours a day most of my childhood and teenage years and by the time I was 14 I had to wake her up to get ready in the morning, and she was a brat about it.

Snoring specifically upsets me because it reminds me of traveling with her and how she'd dismiss the idea that her snoring was "that bad" and refused to try to do anything at all to fix it, or to even question if there was a medical concern in her snoring being so loud. The very first time it was a problem I was a young teen, I tried to wake her up to ask her to help me in some way so I could sleep and she just got irritated that I woke her up. I slept with toilet paper shoved in my ears that night. After that, I brought headphones and earplugs and I'd leave the room for a few hours until I was tired enough to ptfo and/or I'd sleep in the bathtub so there was a wall between us.

When I was 25 we went on a trip with another mother/daughter family friend duo and got a single suite to share. I flatly refused to share a room with my mom so we had daughters in one room and mothers in the other. The other mother joined us partway through the night. We could still hear my mom through the door so the next day the other mother had us all switch rooms with the three of us were in a double queen room and my mom had her own room. That's the first time my mom ever even sort of believed me that her snoring was that bad

Now, I have a cat who snores a little. Her tiny cat snores are usually like 70%-80% unbelievably adorable and only 20%-30% painful but on bad nights I've had to wake her up to avoid a panic attack. My cat is incredibly sweet about being woken up, she trills in confusion, sees me, starts purring, and then demands pets. A cat. Better at emotional regulation than my human mother.

/r/CPTSD Thread