Haven't heard much of Hajime Ippo on this sub, what is your opinion on this series?

So different genres as well as different availabilty to the public seems to be the basis of your argument.

Haven't watched many genres of anime to know that this statement is wrong. As in I have watched many underated and popular shows in a narrow genre to know you're wrong despite my ignorance of the slice of life or even the romance genres. Because I know there is the likes of Aria in the slice of life genre and somethinng like Clannad in the romance genre to prove this wrong.

While your point maybe vailde for the time.. What I am trying to get at, is that what used to be popular is irrelevant. Shows that are mentioned frequently today are what matter. Reason being, we have the internet and a discussion board to raise a consensus on an anime. I'm sure your opinion can be reveresed too to discuss anime that are not so popular then but are the opposite now because it can reach more of an audience.

Do appreciate your point, but do not like the comparison of genres argument, would like to hear more as it genuinely seems you have more an anime experience than me. It is nice to have a discussion and a debate here on /r/anime too

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