Having children for your own self fulfilment is incredibly selfish

Yeah I knew this girl who was super reckless, didn’t want to work or go to school and couldn’t even take care of her puppy without mom and dads help within a month.

She called herself mature and got pregnant, but decided to keep it even though she couldn’t take care of herself if it were life or death. That’s cool it’s her decision.

What’s not cool is having a kid because you’re lazy and know your parents will raise and financially support it for you. She was lost in life so she chose being a mother, except anyone can have a kid not everyone can raise one.

I heard later through a mutual friend that she didn’t even consider an abortion because she didn’t want her ignorant friends talking about her having an abortion. Your post just reminded me of this situation and is why I completely agree.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread