Having trouble with PvZ? Here is a ling drop build Leenock did that worked against multi-time GSL champion Zest

The guy is oblivious to criticism. Doesn't understand that when you are specifying match ups you must begin with the race in question... like "Leenock's ZvP Ling Drop build." Also, don't advertise a build unless you plan on spelling it out since a lot of people thought you were going over the details of his build instead of casting the game.

Many people have given this guy plenty of tips for improving his cast as well, and he never replies or even attempts to improve. Guess he'll keep getting 5 upvotes for every hour he puts into these casts until he finally listens to people. Rehash of improvements:

1.) Lose the repetitive titles and words you're stuck on.

2.) Make an intro for your videos, stream and put more effort into building a following. Most people have seen these games already and need more reason to watch them.

3.) Try making small talk and occasional jokes. Go off tangent every now and then - attempt to get the viewer engaged and interested.

4.) Study the game more since some things you say during the cast is untrue.

5.) Collect yourself and take notes before you record. You are prone to getting lose mid sentence and fumble words.

6.) Respond to criticism by either action (ie change something or give a counter-argument.) Posting videos and only interacting with positive comments is a sign of weakness and anti-adversity. So either to me the annoying troll or to the next guy who will take my place once I lose complete interest in these videos. I'm not being a hardass just trying to help.

/r/starcraft Thread Parent Link - youtube.com