Society’s push for a fear based mindset will leave you in chains

You're in chains as long as you have to be part of this society.

I lost my home, my car, and all of my belongings because I said fuck fear. I had to break a lease, was unable to pay bills and break service agreements because I said fuck fear.

This was all because I got spiritual and decided to do things at my own pace instead of constantly living in fear of deadlines. I got fired for it and lost everything.

Now I can barely hold a job. I'm in debt to the point where I'll never get a loan and I'll never be in a position where I was a few years ago to have the things I need and want because of my "spiritual mindset."

You can let go of many things but it will always come down to this. You need to eat and have shelter. If you dont want to be homeless and live off of charity then you need a job so you can get money to buy the essentials you need to take care of yourself and not die.

We're all slaves to this system. There's no enjoyment when you let go of everything. Its work eat sleep get paid repeat.

/r/spirituality Thread