He may be British but the point applies in the U.S. as well.

American here, my response is we don't need full degrees, just the basics, not even all of them, but enough that we can handle things. That's the point of highschool, get the basics, get a foundation for the rest of your life.

"I wasn't taught how to get a job" - I was never taught what a resume was, or a cover letter, or how to write either. And my interview knowledge came from a comedy where two brothers walked into a fast food interview with suits. If anyone bothered to mention what a resume was, I might have actually been able to get a job in high school

"I wasn't taught how to pay tax" - I agree with you this. It's easy enough. But there are a few misconceptions like going into a higher bracket will cause all of your income to be taxed higher. These are not cleared up until you mention them around someone who knows a thing or two.

"I was never taught how to vote" - Never taught in Texas. It's easy enough though. But a brief overview would be nice, especially in the constitution section of US History

"I wasn't taught how to look after my health" - We had PE, basically how to kill yourself playing Football or what dribbling is in basketball on rainy days. I only know first aid because I took a lifeguard course at my local public pool. Most people wouldn't know anything about it.

"never spend a lesson on current events" - Never heard about the elections happening or anything major like that which are actually important and last a while.

"I was never taught what laws there are" - Never taught basic law, like jaywalking is a thing, or pirating is actually finable.

"I was never taught my human rights" - I was taught this, but only as a history thing among remembering the entire American Revolution. An afterthought, most like, and never tested. I remember this specifically because I got in trouble for disrupting class (which is fair, I was a little shit back then)

"how money etc." - even economics has a few basics, like the dictionary definition of money and how shops work and why we need taxes (I also remember this because I argued that we revolted because of taxes, therefore we should revolt again over taxes)

"not taught to budget" - Never taught this. Huge wake up call second semester of college. Just wasn't a thing. If I had money, I could spend it on stupid shit

"wasn't taught diseases" - never learned the basics like cold vs flu, advil vs ibuprofen, how to set up a doctor's appointment.

"how to help a depressed friend - this one is fair. But again, we don't need an entire degree, just some basics, some warning signs, and where to find help.

"teach to parent" - Some basics like you have to change the diaper immediately, or else face diaper rash, don't expect to sleep through the night the first few months or so. You don't need parenting style things, just some basics

/r/videos Thread Link - youtu.be