He wanted to ask her to the prom

Yet you can speak with certainty that she is being manipulative? See the irony? Get to fuck.

And stop acting as though it’s an age thing as your excuse. It’s a gender thing with you isn’t it? She’s a woman, she cried, and you have this “all women cry for sympathy” mentality. Your so transparent.

If you weren’t so closed minded by your own bigotry you could see that she does genuinely look very upset with what she has done, and she isn’t attempting to force sympathy from him. She isn’t grabbing at him or drawing attention to her tears or saying anything other than “I’m sorry”. You’re the type who if she was apologising without tears you’d say “how insincere! What a cold hearted bitch!”

/r/WatchPeopleDieInside Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it