I heard old Bernie Sander's videos get you to the front page!

He, a socialist, picked a nation whose government was socialist as his sister city. Absolutely BIZARRE!

I'm not claiming that Bernie isn't a socialist and I'm not claiming that Bernie has never praised the USSR. What I'm claiming is that this video and this "honeymoon conspiracy theory" are both brain-dead misconstructions of what Bernie stands for. Surely, neolibs don't need to stoop to pulling his arguments out of context to disagree with him? Like you could just lay out his exact statements perfectly correctly and you still would disagree with him.

Of course, that isn't the point of this and other such posts. The point is to make him seem nonsensical to non-neolibs to help make neolibs seem like the sensible group. It's a hit piece and a shitty one at that because it is glaringly obvious that Bernie was been on the right side of history for literally his whole life. Find me a neolib who only has 2-3 scandals that can be paraded around like Bernie does and these can barely be called scandals.

/r/neoliberal Thread Parent Link - youtube.com