I heard this sound after smoking DMT...

I had a near death experience under anesthesia once. It actually sounds really similar to what you described. I really thought I was dead and then when I came to it was like.... what? That was it???That was just a horrible and amazing dream was all I though and just went WTF and shrugged it off. I do believe now though that the experience was real because I believe near death experiences are real today.

I remember falling and seeing ETs and talking about fate and my mind and wondering all these different things and it was similar to Star Wars Hyperspace. There was so much to my experience I couldn't remember it. I think missing time was involved. It's kinda hard to remember anything now because it was years ago. Later I looked into ET's more and more and found some info involving a process called CE5's which is actual meditation to contact. My experiences with doing those over the last few years and having success have solidified for me that experience I had under anesthesia was probably real in some sort of Renee Descartes enigma kind of way.

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