A fed champion can do many things. Kat is designed to kill people, which kind of limits her options when she is behind and she has to flip.

There's a few ways you can beat Kat in lane.

1)Kat has a terrible laning phase, unless youre playing low elo. This is mostly because of her daggers. You need to stay away from her daggers. If you don't get hit by her dagger you should never be 100-0 in laning phase in a 1v1.

1.5) Stay out of her e range. Unless you want to bait her into your 100-0 combo and have bone plating (even better with minion advantage or GP passive up).

2) CC. Any CC basically kills kat. The harder the CC the better, preferably stuns, silence, knockups, and even roots.

3)Junglers. If the jungler can chip down kat's hp or even cooldowns that is very huge. Especially when youre freezing

4)In my opinion, GP has somewhat of an advantage against kat assuming you're a very good GP. He can zone her well with barrels from farm and poke with q grasp procs. Even if kat decides to go in, you have bone plating GP basically outtrade. If you have bone plating on cds just wait for it to come back up. Always have a barrel on top of you. I think GP can freeze pretty well against Kat and even if she decides to roam you can just ping it or use ult to help the team to escape.

5)If kat doesnt get a reset, shes just a sitting duck. Most low elo kats love to jump in first (thats limit testing if shes ahead, but int if shes behind), but often times in higher ranks kat would usually wait to clean up, so always keep that in mind.

/r/KatarinaMains Thread