Help me decide: 99 prayer, 99 herblore, or rigour?

don't listen to people who say it's better to wait to buy rigour. that's just speculation. it has been at a stable price for over a month now. and since its consumable you only need to make the difference back if it goes down. (ex: if it drops 10m in a certain amount of time, you just need to make 10m in that time, and you will reap the benefits of the prayer earlier than those who wait for it to drop. and even if it does drop in a few days/weeks, it may go back up just as it has been doing the past month). if you do a lot of raids, get it. 90-99 prayer will cost you no more than 50-60m if you do ensouled demon heads, even less if you use lower ones. you can get 92 or 96 pray to get the extra 1-2 pray points from drinking pray pots or restores if you want, but even then it doesn't make much of a difference. so basically, if 130m is a good chunk of your bank, get 99 prayer. If your cash stack is all/mostly spending money, get rigour and don't look back. as for herb, that depends if you have friends to raid with who can already make overloads. if you solo raid then you can get 90 herb but since you're doing slayer and put as well, rigour is the best option

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