Out of all the drugs you've taken, which gave you the worst trip and what happened?

mushrooms. i had an ounce of them broken up into 2 equal bags. they were bigger ones with closed caps. i ate 2or 3 right off the bat then went and looked for my friends who i had snagged the rest for. apparently they had found some elsewhere and were nowhere to be found. the whole time walking around looking for them i had been nibbling at one of the bags in my pocket not thinking about it, nice and high and i live at the beach so could have been worse. i ended up walking back to my town which was only about a 3 mil stretch of nothing in between it and the town i was in. a cop goes by in the other direction and does a u-turn, fuck me, he pulls up and its a cop i know, he asks where i'm going and i tell him so he offers me a ride. would have been too weird to not accept a ride while walking in the middle of nowhere so i got in. he's a nice guy but not super talkative so he didnt say shit the whole time (15minutes maybe but of course felt like forever) all i heard was his radio going off and static. i was still holding in good when he dropped me off at the bar and i went in to chug a few beers. bar was full of people so i figured i'd hunker down in a corner and people watch for a bit but the bartender was a crackhead and wanted to close early so i only got 2 beers in me and was back on the street. this whole time still nibbling little bits and pieces out of the bag in my pocket. i made my next target the fishing pier across the street. i was going to buy a 12 pack and go sit out there and people watch instead. i get up to the pier house and the lady says hi and asks me how my aunt is doing. i say fine, trying to not make convo and get my melting face in and out of there as fast as i can. no luck, she says "well, is she still in the hospital?" and this is where it started going bad. turns out she had a heart attack and i didnt know (was before everyone had a cell phone). i thanked her for letting me know and walked over to my aunts house. on the way there i ran into a buddy who wanted some shrooms so i reached into my pocket for the bag that i had been nibbling out of and it only had couple stems left in it. i had eaten almost a half ounce of the bastards. i gave him that nd the other half ounce i had stashed in my bag and walked off to my aunts. i started freaking out a bit now that i realized what i had eaten then i got to here house. knocked on the door a few times and my granddad answered in his boxers, they dont even live with my aunt. i asked him what had happened and he told me she had a heart attack and that she was going to be ok which was nice but then he told me it had happened 3 days earlier. so, this made me think that somewhere in between town A and town B in the cop car i had experienced time travel of some sort and i bugged out even worse. they had just not seen me around to tell me is all but good luck telling my brain that in its state. he wanted me to stay but i couldnt so i walked home and theres where i blacked out. next morning i wake up in the fetal position underneath my bed surrounded by broken pencils and little balled up pieces of paper. took a few hours to snap back to reality even the next morning. i didnt give up on shrooms totally after that but i did take about a 5 year break.

/r/AskReddit Thread