I need to sleep less without deprivation

For what it's worth stuff I learned for me

  • If you don't feel greatly rested then there is definitely quality to sleep. Some sleep is potent, some is weak.

  • Wanting to sleep like you can't wait to have dreams (as opposed to say watching TV until you sleep) and being relaxed lead to the most potent sleep, mindset wise. If I'm having a good period of life like say on vacation with someone I'm in love with... no worries, wanna get up and explore next day... I sleep well. That's either your problem or it isn't.

  • Exercise tends to make you sleep well. Very quick fix.

  • Melatonin is non-habit forming.. you're just taking the drug that puts you to sleep. You can take too much and have it linger into the morning but 1-5mg should be fine. You shouldn't need it but if you're resorting to drugs it is something your body is using and there's no harm to it... not habit forming.

  • Your body wakes you up chemically when exposed to sunlight so if you have some sunlight when you want to wake up... crack the windows and put bed by it - should help a lot. Conversely if you stay up late with a computer, phone, tablet, non-reddish lights etc that same trait keeps your body from winding you down chemically at night. Twilight is an app on android and f.lux is a windows app to make your screen more red as it gets later. When buying bulbs look at color temperature - <3000k is pretty red, >4000k is getting blue and screws with you.

  • If you drag your feet in the morning doing exercise that you actually like (I hate most of it except swimming at YMCA for example) will wake you up on all levels for a couple days (and improve sleep).

  • If you're changing your time of waking / sleeping - circadian rythym or just jeg lag - having a high protein diet in the morning after not having eaten the night before (12 hours?)... that really does reset your body clock. Not hard and you might try it if you're deciding to wake at 6 instead of 10.

  • I think the most important thing is just have stuff in your life you really want to be awake for and to get good rest so you can get back to those good things rested - if you can arrange your life to be that then all the tricks just barely have an effect in comparison.

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