Help me find a graffiti artist

Well people who actually understand the culture would know it doesn't happen to your shit and if so its a little shit head who doesn't understand the culture. If you did some research you would know that graffiti doesn't target "your shit." it targets governmental property (E.g. Mailboxes, street signs, subway trains etc.) therefore it does affect you as it comes out of taxer payer money to fix it. But it does not at all affect your shit you bought. Not unless you live in governmental property or a bad part of town where dumb kids run around painting whatever they wish.

Not saying your shit deserves to be painted on. But graffiti is a form of hiphop and hiphop was created to give a voice to the voiceless. Those voiceless citizens could get their message out there through art such as graffiti. I for one don't knock something that can be used to spark social change and was created and shaped around letting those who can't be heard, be heard. So dig a little deeper before making ill informed generalizations. No "graffiti artist" is targeting your shit. But if you have had shit heads paint on your stuff chances are they just need more love from mom and dad and they are acting out. Instead of understanding the culture and bettering there art. I'm not fully disagreeing with you as kids are stupid and many of them don't seem to understand the history of graffiti. So they don't use the art to its full potential. But that doesn't mean you should turn your back on how and what graffiti means from a cultural standpoint. It also is silly to act like those artist don't own shit and that's why they target your shit. Because like I said the real ones are not targeting your shit.

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