Parents of gunman who killed five at a Louisville bank wracked by grief and confusion - NBC News interview parents of Louisville shooter

I’ve noticed older people tend to be more polarized on these things. My grandmother is a great example. God bless her, she’s just so out of touch. Back in the holler, there was no 24 hr news cycle. She didn’t know what was happening in the cities. And when she got that nursing degree she moved to the big city (she also can’t fathom why people can’t do that anymore as if her bachelors degree didn’t only cost her like $2,500) and worked downtown at night for 20 years. Now I’m looking at crime stats right now. The time she moved here (mid 70s) had higher murder numbers (with far less population) than any time up until very recently. Jeff Co had over 100 murders in 1970, 1971, and 1976, never again reached over 100 until 2016. But.. she didn’t really see it cause she didn’t have time to watch the news while in school raising kids and work. Now that she’s retired, not living here anymore, and watching WDRB and CNN all her waking day, and it’s all death death death, she’s convinced 1. people are dying like never before and 2. I pulled myself up by my bootstraps (lol) and got out of poverty in Appalachia, so surely there’s no poverty issues, or rising mental health issues, or lack of mental health care going on here - just because she doesn’t see it. So, it has to be only the guns. Which obviously, yes is a big factor. But in her mind things like racism and poverty are over because she saw the civil rights movement and managed to get out of a dirt floor house and live quite comfortably these days.

/r/Louisville Thread Parent