Help me not suck with Zed

You have to work out what you want to do. You mention you want to climb whilst simultaneously becoming a better zed player. Although it is possible to achieve both, a better route would be to become a better zed player and let the climbing come naturally. Think of it as paying LP to come against better players. You're not going to climb, but if you analyse your play and how your mistakes are being punished you will give yourself the tools to climb.

I also think many players when, they think of zed, just see him as a champ that is controlled through supreme mechanics. At the highest tiers of play, i'd imagine this to be true because you simply need them to take zed to a level where he can carry games at such a high level of play. The main component to zed is your knowledge of the game as a whole. Zed is a champ who thrives when conditions are continually changing because he can adapt through the mechanics of his kit and the general mobility/outplay potential he has. In order to be able to thrive in such conditions however takes a really high amount of game knowledge and damage foresight. If you see a clip of Zed doing something amazing is it really the pressing of the buttons that is impressive? Anyone can technically learn to do a special zed ult combo but it is the application of such mechanics and seeing an opening that makes the play as big as it appears. Take this clip as an example. Although BDD probably has some of the best Zed mechanics in the world, this play was done through his knowledge of Zed's range (aa and e), Azirs cooldowns and how much damage he could take from the tower.

Now, you're currently bronze and you have had probably less than one season of experience with League. You most likely don't currently contain the necessary game knowledge that a champion like zed requires to be played and you probably don't have good enough mechanics to simply carry you out of your currently elo. If you did, you wouldn't be bronze (i dont want to make this sound offensive i just don't know other ways to word it without straight up just saying it).

You can of course use Zed, but you can't expect to become a better player on this specific champion and also expect to climb whilst in the process. No comment here will just magically get you a positive zed win rate, your work and will to improve whilst keeping a steady mindset through the losses will.

Also focus on yourself and don't make excuses. You're probably not lying about the afk's in your games but the fact that you brought it up here is rather peculiar. No one cares about your win rate. No one here is looking at your and saying "lol what a fkin loser he had a 0.87 kda in his last game!!!" and if they are then they are idiots. Focus on yourself, don't look for excuses and continue to work on yourself.

/r/summonerschool Thread