Help Me Understand Trump's Issues

What are his views on education reform,

Remove common core. Unknown if that will be positive or negative overall. CC is generally unpopular, he might just be using this as a populist issue to garner support. It's unclear if he honestly cares about it one way or another.

science funding (NASA, NSF, etc... I'm in academics so funding is vital),

AFAIK no stated goals in this area. I don't think NASA has come up once during the republican debates or any speeches/interviews. I don't recall it coming up on the democrat side either, other issues are kind of drowning this out

the global warming issue,

Might be a climate change denier. Very specious viewpoints in this area. He may be pandering to the republican base, but he doesn't have enough of a history of talking about this to know for sure. Could be a dangerous issue for him in the general election. Strongly disagree with him on this one.

our infrastructure going to crap,

Constantly talks about how "the politicians" have let our countrys infrastructure crumble, implying that he will do something to alleviate that. Hasn't come forward with any concrete plans or policy in this area. Might just be rhetoric.

the TPP,

This is probably the focal point of his campaign, he will kill it for sure. Out of any of the weirdo promises he's made, you can be sure he'll stick to that one.

minimum wage,

Has supported min wage increases in the past before running for president but AFAIK it hasn't come up during the election.

campaign reform, and

Constantly rails against campaign financing and corporate donors. Insists that he's the only candidate untainted by special interest money.


Unsure. Probably not great. At the very least I'd expect him to continue obama-style policies in this area.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread