[Help] our team find a team comp that works

For ranked 5's, here's my suggestion:

Comp 1: Malphite top, Lee jungle, Yasuo mid, magic damage-based ADC like Corki/Ez bot, AP support like Morg/Lulu/Brand.

This comp has a bit of a "Malphite ult -> Yasuo ult" thing going on, but isn't totally dependent on it. Lee is good because Malphite is a weak pre-6 top laner and Yasuo is a target for a lot of junglers, so you can use Lee to help Malphite survive until his first back or to countergank the inevitable enemy jungler ganking your Yasuo. I'd advise counterganking for Yasuo, but that's pretty unpredictable. Kind of important to have an ADC that has magic damage as a large part of their kit because you have an AD jungler and an AD mid. Support doesn't need to be AP-based, but it may help. Lulu would be an excellent support in this comp because she has excellent peel and your top/mid/jungler are probably going to be diving the back line.

Comp 2: Shen top, Vi jungle, Ori mid, standard AD/support (though Lulu would be swag here as well). This comp is based more around Vi hard engaging with Ori ball and Shen ult. Have Ori pop the ball on Vi, she can Q -> R a carry, Ori ults again. Shen can split push and ult Vi as she's going in to help her survive and follow up with a taunt. You don't need a magic damage-based ADC in this situation because Ori/Shen do mostly magic damage and Vi has armor shred on her W. It would be smarter to get an ADC/support combo that can peel for themselves well since, like in the last comp, the other 3 players are trying to combo the back line. Caitlyn is solid here, as is Lulu. Lulu's ult can be used as additional engage on Vi. Vi can actually afford to build two or maybe even 3 damage items here, and she probably should, because otherwise you're kind of lacking in damage. Shen ult/Ori E/Lulu ult would keep her alive for a while. Another fun part of this comp is that Shen/Vi have really strong synergy ganks top lane due to how easily Shen taunt sets up Vi Q. As soon as Vi is in range to Q the enemy, Shen can taunt and it will give Vi 100% chance to land max charge Q provided she's not a tard

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