[HELP] What are your thoughts on this floor plan? Like or dislike? Why?

This looks really bad.

Like, really truly terribly awful. Like, I'm amazed you ever showed it to another person and you would get laughed out of any school or especially work presentation with shit like this.

I have no comments on the design itself because I'm having trouble looking past the truly awful presentation to see it. Whatever program you're using is bad and you should feel bad for using it.

The site plan image, while an important part of a set of drawings, looks like it was drawn in paint. Which is to say it looks like utter shit. Get GIMP if you don't have photoshop, but even in paint I'm pretty sure you can manage to give some weight to those lines, and to make sure that anything without a weighted border line (geeze I'm so unused to seeing things without them I don't even know what to call them) has one, too. This thing is utterly illegible and I have no idea what the two numbers on it mean. Terrible first impression.

Things don't really get better on the second impression. I mean, it looks better sure and there's actual line weights and everything's drawn correctly but it's overdrawn because you're using a piece of shit software that I dislike, perhaps due to personal bias. Sure its got dimensions but everything's to complex. I can hardly see that you've got a dining table for the confusion of a rug beneath it. Same with the entire living configuration. Maybe those are bookshelves along the whole right side of that area? Then there's fuck-all in this garage except two cars - a boring way to show space if I'v ever seen one, and gods only know what's up in that little tan room - a shity undesigned exercise room? Next to the "office/piano/reading room" space where you crammed the three things hardest to get around to using and shoved them in a space no one's ever going to use to boot?

Damn. Turns out your design skills don't hold up, either. I want to be clear I don't mean to bash you for this. This is first and foremost a bashing with regards to your graphics. Your design skills will improve over time and you don't need to get yelled at for those in quite the same way. Too bad that I'm not gonna differentiate for you.

On the second level you've got all your plumbing together which is nifty but it'd be niftier if it at all correlated to where the plumbing is on the first floor. I don't know why you've got two ugly stepsister bedrooms and then a Cinderella one (the one where it looks like you'd keep your slave, on the bottom), but you should line those in all the same. Also, the laundry room is around the entire front floor from the master bedroom? I don't think so. Here again we see that terrible rug thing, though.

These plans are legible but the overly-detailed items within them serve more as a barrier to understanding than anything else. Just draw a simple bed with a couple pillows on it and a couple diagonal lines for a folded back sheet. Draw things that stand for other things instead of trying to draw things specifically and to use pre-made models. Self-drawn stuff always looks better and better fits the look of the rest of the presentation.

Alright and we're back into what makes me want to kill you.

These perspectives are awful. You need edges on your shit! On everything! Without them these are truly awful. I had to keep myself from removing this post a half-dozen times because I had to tell myself it wasn't spam.

Oh god those flowers in image 5 are terrible.

and yeah. Really just add some fuckin' edges to your things. and start designing in SketchUp rather than this trash program and never use that rug in a plan again.

/r/InteriorDesign Thread Link - imgur.com