Hey, I'm a [38 M] and my parents [70 M, 70 F] have mistakenly thought I am gay for almost 20 years now.

Well, here's one specific story.

So, a couple weeks back I was complaining to my mom about how incredibly hard it is to find a girl when you have no money. I was telling her that if I was a girl, it's not that I would consciously decide not to date a guy with no money, but biological instinct/intuition would make the decision for me that this is a huge warning sign that he may not be able to provide resources for resource hungry children.

I go onto to explain that a very modest dating budget of ~$100 a week is what is probably needed, for several months on end to see if the fit is right. A few hundred dollars a month for several months and now you're already looking at a few thousand dollars to see if it's a match before getting into rings/wedding costs/etc, etc, etc.

And so I also mentioned to her (repeated times now) about how come she never tries to hook me up with any pretty girls she meets? Saying how most other mothers who have a medical doctor for a son would be bragging left and right trying to get him to pop out grandkids before she kicks the bucket.

So then she comes back last night, with heavy on the "gay" topics in our conversation pretty much out of nowhere when talking about her dreams. She never talks directly about it, it's always veiled. Like when she first had her suspicions way back years ago, she kept showing me gay porn on her computer like, "OK, ma, that's great, didn't really need to see that, do you want me to get it off for you?" And then it's back on there again a few weeks later.

Anyways. There was also "veiled" talk when I was in med school, like people would drop random lines like "he's gay, he just doesn't know it yet". And the 1 girlfriend I had right out of med school, one day out of the blue she's like "you wish I had a big strapon dick to f*ck you with don't you" lol, sorry honey, nope, lol.

So these are the types of things you have to put up with when people think you're gay when you're not. I could care less if random people think I'm gay. But if I'm going to have relationship with a woman for the rest of my life, that relationship has to be built on honest first and foremost. Kind of hard to do that when your parents and people from work are getting in her ear that you might be gay and don't realize it.

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