Hey! I'm Colin McCourt former pro 1500m Ask Me Anything

[AMA guest response]

No problem it's awesome, thank you for letting me. I think the thing I have learned most and I will do differently this time is patience, just basically having patience. I have a really bad tendency to rush and expect fast results, like a lot of runners do. Whether you are just starting running or have had a break running as fast or as hard as you can for every run will only result in making you break down mentally and physically. Luckily I haven't had many injuries in my life, but any I have had have come from rushing and being impatient. With the beet juice back then yes it was good and I ran my fastest ever time drinking it. However now a days its too expensive as I was drinking for example half a litre a day, which is unsustainable now. The benefits though are great, I felt like it did contribute to my ability to maintain good runs and recover faster but that could just be because I was in good shape and mentally thought it was the juice helping (but the effects mean you are on the toilet bound more than you would want to be) Theres probably a few if I thought back, one time in Germany for some reason I ended up having to run from the police (I was completely innocent I should add haha) I kicked over a bike rack drunk and they werent too happy, was the only time my running came in to good use lol! Thanks for the questions, really appreciate it!

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