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I'm trying to create an iterator that wraps around the simplemad library so I can iterate over individual samples in an mp3 file, outputting them as f32 values rather than the fixed point format used by simplemad. Here is my code so far:

extern crate simplemad;

use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
use std::fmt;
use std::option;
use std::vec::Vec;

struct SimplemadSampleIter<'a, R: 'a> where R: std::io::Read {
    decoder: &'a mut simplemad::Decoder<R>,
    currentFrame: Option<simplemad::Frame>,
    endOfFile: bool,
    currentFramePos: usize,

impl<'a, R: 'a> SimplemadSampleIter<'a, R> where R: std::io::Read {
    fn new(decoder: &'a mut simplemad::Decoder<R>) -> SimplemadSampleIter<R> {
        SimplemadSampleIter {decoder: decoder, currentFrame: None, endOfFile: false, currentFramePos: 0}

impl<'a, R: 'a> std::iter::Iterator for SimplemadSampleIter<'a, R> where R: std::io::Read {
    type Item = Vec<f32>;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<f32>> {
        if self.endOfFile {
            return None;
        while self.currentFrame.is_none() || self.currentFramePos >= self.currentFrame.unwrap().samples.len() {
            let result = self.decoder.get_frame();
            match result {
                Err(error) => {
                    match error {
                        simplemad::SimplemadError::EOF => {
                            self.endOfFile = true;
                            self.currentFrame = None;
                        simplemad::SimplemadError::Read(Error) => {
                            self.endOfFile = true;
                            self.currentFrame = None;
                        simplemad::SimplemadError::Mad(MadError) => {
                            self.currentFrame = None;
                Ok(frame) => {
                    self.currentFrame = Some(frame);
        if self.currentFrame.is_none() {
            return None;
        let sample = self.currentFrame.unwrap().samples[self.currentFramePos].into_iter().map(|sample: simplemad::MadFixed32| sample.to_f32()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
        self.currentFramePos += 1;
        return Some(sample);

fn main() {
    let path = Path::new("furioso_melodia.mp3");
    let file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
    let mut decoder = simplemad::Decoder::decode(file).unwrap();
    let mut samples = SimplemadSampleIter::new(&mut decoder);

    for i in 0..100 {
        let sample = samples.next().unwrap();
        println!("{}, {}, {}", i, sample[0], sample[1]);

However, I am having problems with the compiler telling me "cannot move out of borrowed/indexed context" at parts in the code:

src\main.rs:30:72: 30:76 error: cannot move out of borrowed content [E0507]
src\main.rs:30         while self.currentFrame.is_none() || self.currentFramePos >= { self.currentFrame.unwrap().samples.len() } {
src\main.rs:58:22: 58:78 error: cannot move out of indexed content [E0507]
src\main.rs:58         let sample = self.currentFrame.unwrap().samples[self.currentFramePos].into_iter().map(|sample: simplemad::MadFixed32| sample.to_f32()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
src\main.rs:58:22: 58:26 error: cannot move out of borrowed content [E0507]
src\main.rs:58         let sample = self.currentFrame.unwrap().samples[self.currentFramePos].into_iter().map(|sample: simplemad::MadFixed32| sample.to_f32()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();

I don't get what is wrong in the first error, as self.currentFrame.unwrap().samples.len() results in a usize value that is not even being bound to any variable name. I also don't understand the latter two errors.

/r/rust Thread