Hey /r/Brazil Im a Canadian (who also visits Brazil a lot), I guess ask me stuff.

Yes, I am trying. Most Brazilians think I'm crazy when I say that for some reason. If you want to come here, then do it!

Hmm, ok, Ill try and be brief in this, I can go on a lot about it.



  • Its pretty easy to start your own business and make things happen if you want them to

  • Its a pretty safe place to live

  • Education / health care system is great (Canadians complain about it, but its really great)

  • general infrastructure is pretty damn good, things seem to 'work'

  • Economy is doing well

  • overall its pretty stable, the people are nice, and its a great place.


  • Its cold. I hate the cold. Its really fucking cold aside from most of the west (Province of BC)

  • the people can be cold, but its one of those climate things. We open up slowly, but are generally friendly, but don't have that whole latin thing going on however.

  • A lot has been done before, so I think there can be less opportunity to do something new.

  • Its expensive. I know my currency exchange helps when I go to Brazil, but disregarding that, Canada is not a cheap place.

-Income inequality is growing

  • we don't take enough holidays and we work wayyyyyy too much. It really adds up.

-Winter can be really hard on you mentally

Did you want to know what I think the pros and cons of Brazil are?

Comparing the two is kind of hard. I think were very different, but we work well together. Were both huge countries with really diverse cultures within it. The west and east coasts of Canada are completely different and then we have a while French speaking essentially country stuck in the middle, so were both kind of weird.

Sorry, did you want me to just compare Canada and Brazil or the pros and cons of both places as I see them?

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