What can I do?

It seems to me as though you want to feel better...otherwise you wouldn't be reaching out to people in the way that you are. Yes life is also temporary.. I understand that. But so is the way you're feeling. Listen. I've been down this route, I've ended up in a psych ward.. and its hell. I've contemplated suicide, i've tried it, i've sought out help, I take medication, I smoke weed, I do everything I suggested in the post I posted above, and I still have bad days. IT'S OKAY. I see that you're feeling bad, but don't think that you're life is not worth living just because of a bad period you're going through. I didnt want to reach out for treatment either, but I did, and it saved my life. I mean just getting a hedgehog saved my life. Judge me all you want but having something to love can make a huge difference. Seriously consider the suggestions I mentioned because they REALLY can help. Think about it this way... it can only get better from here right? So see what you can do to make it feel that way. I think you're doing a really smart thing by posting here on reddit, and I hope that you find the advice that you're looking for. I mean look... you've got like what. 17-18 comments going on here.?And everyone is telling you that it's gonna get better, and that yes its cruel and unfair and messed up and spontaneous and dramatic but life is worth living. You can do this. I also think that calling suicide hotline in your area could really help, or could be your best place to start. it doesn't involve face-to-face interaction (if that's what you want).

And if you're feeling alone and need to talk, you can always PM me your number and we can chat.

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