Hey reddit! Have you guys ever met anyone for a very brief period in your life and wish you still had contact with? What was the story on how yall met and why did they make such an impression on you?

I live in a run-down little steel town and on one of the main streets exists an old and dirty house that was converted into a bathhouse years ago. Apparently in its hay-day in the late 1980s it was a the hip place to be if you were gay or interested in other men in our quite homophobic city. Nowadays, it's pretty run-down and serves more as a cheap hot-tub and sauna that the occasional gay man will visit just for kicks. One rainy summer day with nothing to do I decided to go in and check it out for laughs. When I went in, there wasn't very many people - just two old men sauntering about in towels and it made me giggle. But then as I aimlessly wandered the place I came across this young tall, slender man with light brown hair, chiseled abs, and green eyes sitting alone in his red boxers in the corner of this one dead-end in the maze like building. He looked sad so I started up a conversation with him, we soon decided that since we were both bored we'd explore the building together. In an hours time we bonded over how gross the place was and then spent the next four hours lounging about the place talking about our lives. Almost like two children at sleep-over. He was twenty and I, at the time, nineteen. He had a young child whom he fathered with a high school girlfriend in order to hide his homosexuality and convince himself that he was straight. His religious parents, outraged at what occurred, practically kicked him out of the house and so he didn't finish high school in order to make money to provide for himself and his child. Feeling obligated to stay with the mother but desperate to explore his homosexuality he told her that he was bisexual, unable to accept it she forbid him from ever having sexual or intimate contact with another man and barred him from seeing his male friends in fear that he would sleep with one of them and further ruin her life. Without a diploma or very many skills he felt trapped and decides to run away from his problems and earn an income in the army. There was a computer in the building with free internet access and after a few hours of laying about in the moldy place I told him that I would mess around the computer for a bit while he went to his locker to check his phone. I believe he received a text message from his 'baby-mama' because afterwards he ran to me and said that he had to leave rather unexpectedly. He begged me to walk him to the bus stop but for some odd reason I was reluctant to go. He left and then I quickly ran after him only to see him enter the bus with a rather sad look on his face. In the span of five hours I never met someone more open, grounded, and kind. And to this day I wonder about him. Did he go to the army? Did he leave his 'baby-mama'? Was he able to find solace in his sexuality? I just hope wherever he is, he's happy.

/r/AskReddit Thread