Hi, I’m Alice and I was wondering if you could help answer these questions for primary research for my college project.

  1. "So casually cruel in the name of being honest". I think this lyric speak to the very clear narcissistic traits in the male partner. Ive met so many people in my life who use honesty as an excuse for just being a mean person.

  2. Grief. I think this is the most prevalent theme in the song. I believe the narrator is in deep mourning for what could have been with this relationship.

  3. I think anyone that has ever been in an abusive or toxic relationship can relate to this song. Ive been with someone who could lift me up so much just to turn around and tear me down. They could make you question your whole existence and thank them for it all in one go. This doesn't just apply to romantic partners but even platonic or familial relationships as well.

  4. I think I still prefer the original. I think for story telling purposes it has a rise, climax and fall whereas the ten minute version kind of feels like it goes against that. Feels a bit drawn out. I think the ten minute version sounds like the song she wrote before she edited. I still love the ten minutes version but the original was a masterpiece to me.

  5. I think with Taylor its always about her story telling. She really does a great job with imagery. We can easily picture the scene for each moment and it doesn't compromise on the emotional aspect of the song. In fact that imagery really adds to the feelings. I think the imagery of fall was a great analogy for how quick the relationship faltered. Fall is a season that comes so quick and so beautiful but before you know it the trees are empty and the leaves are dead. The same can be said for the relationship in the song.

  6. Probably not. There isn't much the other party could say to refute a lot of the accusations. I dont think this is a case of misunderstanding. I think this guy is just a bad person. Like no matter what he had ten years on her. It pretty much trumps anything he could try and defend himself with to me.

  7. The scene with the argument in the kitchen literally gave me flashbacks to some moments ive been gaslit. They treat you like shit and then make you feel bad for having the nerve to state how you feel. Sadie's character wasn't even being argumentative about it she was just stating how she felt and he managed to turn it on her for being "selfish". So many women experience this. Its an awful way to demean us for having feelings and to demean us for asking to be treating like a human being.

/r/TaylorSwift Thread