High schoolers of Reddit who are convinced they have the cringiest kid ever in their class, what did they do?

Not in high school, but there was a guy who had the worst breath imaginable and talked about how he used Undertale as a dating simulator. I asked him once if he knew that the main character was like eight, and his response was, "Oh, I know." In AP Psych he attempted to use video games as an analogy for [something I don't remember]. He kept attempting to throw out references to Zelda and Undertale, but no one in class understood them. He kept asking if the presentation was boring, and each time it was like a stab of cringe came down.

Plus, during a senior outing, we were sat in a circle to discuss what we remembered most about High School. He came up and started to talk in his weird high pitched girlish-yet-not voice, only to become socially awkward in the middle of it and stand there for about two minutes without saying anything, once and a while starting to say "uAh", then becoming silent again. The moderators of the group had this angelic thoughtful harp music playing in the background, and though it was perhaps two minutes, it may have been longer due to the fact that we sat in silence for the rest of the soundtrack until he attempted to speak any form of language.

It was rather sad to watch, but cringey all the same...though perhaps I'm being hard on him.

/r/AskReddit Thread