A highly unpopular opinion on spamming

Well here's the thing you have to understand latency and consoles frame rate, and the players that can consistently parry lights are very fucking good at the game, just saying hey counter that 400 millisecond light isnt gunna make it any easier at this point you arent reacting you're predicting, theres more that goes into it than just oh block it, also depends on the character you're fighting some characters light attacks cant be stopped by blocking, the chain will keep going until you parry it or get away from it, and sometimes you can get stun locked and cant move your guard which might be a bug, because it doesnt happen all the time, but when it does it can be annoying being hit with an infinite chain and cant move the guard to the side you need it once again doesnt happen often, and even if you do see that light attack spam coming, you may end up missing that parry or maybe the opponent just throws another 400 millisecond attack to throw you off then goes back into the light spam, and if were talking about king of spam and hyper armor look at berserker, he's easy to play if you know how to feint just very hard to read because of his constant feints and if you decide to swing through his feint a good chance he will just hyper armor through it, and i wouldn't say the person light spamming has more skill, I think i read that right? maybe I did idk, but i have to disagree i can play low tier heroes and win against light spamming heroes but it's extremely difficult, and when i switch to a hero that has 400 millisecond lights the challenge of winning is kinda gone, yeah i could lose but i have a huge advantage and it just becomes easy to play, you have a good argument I just kinda disagree with some of it and I dont mean to come off as an asshole or anything so apologize if i did.

/r/forhonor Thread