Hollywood is running out of hit ’80s movies to reboot

I didn't take it as an attack - I just found your wording peculiar. Saying things like "admit it" won't get you anywhere in a discussion/debate that has no right or wrong answer so it can be perceived as pretentious. Not necessarily an attack but as a snob opinion.

The word "deep" can have many meanings. It's simple what I meant: it was profound. To me anyway.

Have to comment on you using gesamtkunstwerk - grew up in Germany - as the word implies, it's an overall universal piece of art. It's how I see it and is that so bad? I could depict it scene by scene but I feel that would be unfair because I haven't seen the film in about a year and it's not as fresh in my memory (funny because a year ago when I watched it, I remembered the entire dialogue haha). But like I was saying.....art is subjective and everyone perceives it differently. What I see as quality art, you may see as a piss poor excuse at art.

Several years ago I went to MoMA in NYC. One of my favourite places to go to to clear my mind. I must've been there at least 40 times in my life. It's a sanctuary to me. Well, a few years ago they had this painting. Forgot who it was by. It was a blank canvas with a black dot in the center. Nothing else. There was a guy sitting in front of it and just staring at it. I thought it was peculiar but I moved on up to the next floor. Nightmare. Packed with tourists taking selfies in front of a Van Gogh painting. No one was sitting there and simply admiring it. There was a line-up to have your photo taken in front of it. I thought it was bizarre but again, moved on. I got to a quite experimental section. Lots of neon lights and old CRT tvs playing some bizarre videos in black&white. I sat down and found it oddly calming even though it wasn't really something that was up my alley. I must've been there for half an hour. When I decided to go back down, I noticed the guy in front of the Dot painting was still there. Still staring at it. I couldn't understand why someone would waste their time or admire something so ridiculous. I left and went out for drinks with some friends.

Later when I went to bed I for some reason couldn't get that guy out of my mind. What the fuck was he even looking at? For some reason it was bugging me because I couldn't understand how someone would find something in a painting that fucking ridiculous. It was like taking a dump at the museum and calling it art in my eyes. It actually somewhat angered me.

The next day I went back to MoMA determined to sit in front of that stupid black dot and see what it's all about. I noticed that the white space was painted in an almost chaotic way with an unusual texture. I still thought the painting was a piece of shit but I got something out of it. I was almost hypnotized. To this day I'm conflicted. Was that painting really absolute garbage or was it brilliant solely because I did actually manage to get something out of it? It's so stupid. It's a fucking dot. But I couldn't get any sleep the night before because of that stupid dot. So I guess it's effective in its ridiculousness.

Not sure where I was going with this. I suppose I mentioned this because art really is subjective. I'll defend what I love and was inspired by till I'm blue in the face regardless of how ridiculous it is. But I also have my limits and will absolutely point out the flaws in the art I like. The Matrix absolutely has flaws but they're a part of that big messy painting and I love it. I'm a massive Bob Dylan fan (tattoos and all) but I think his live performances are a crime against humanity in the more recent years. I've no issue pointing out the flaws in the art I love. I just won't deny the profound effect the Matrix had and HAS on me just because I'm an adult and should, supposedly, see it differently now.

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