holy fuck, the comments of this post are such cancer. butthurt SJW's and liberals brigade world news post crying about trump's "divisive rhetoric" against muslims, name-calling trump supporters as "inbred right-wingers" and "racists, bigots, sexists"

Are they really so far under a rock that in their heads this is reality and there is some coordinated insidious plot that all of Islam is out to get us.

If you haven't realized by now that third-world Islamic rapefugees aren't flooding Europe with the intention of assimilating and becoming productive, law-abiding citizens but rather with the intention of conquering it and establishing Sharia Law, I think you're the one that's under a rock.

Get out of you're little inbred country hick communities

You really gotta love how shitlibs assume that everyone who recognizes the threat that is Islam are inbred hicks.

Meet these people that you are clearly so terrified of

While I personally haven't met many Muslims, I've seen what Muslim rapefugees have done to Europe and native Europeans via browsing subs like this one and /r/european. And let me tell ya, it ain't pretty.

who are some of the most wonderful people I know

The existence of "good" Muslims does not change the fact that they as a group leech off welfare and commit violent crime at far higher rates than native Europeans.

and stop giving people who currently don't give a shit about you an actual reason to hate you

I like how this retard assumes that Muslim rapefugees don't already have a grudge against native Europeans.

It's complete and utter bollocks though

Yeah, no. Islamic no-go zones are a reality, shitlib.

Believing in things that don't exist is the cornerstone of the Republican party.


Fucking leftist faggot.

Anyway, I'll stop there because this comment is getting long as fuck and I'd rather not waste any more of my time typing up rebuttals to comments from deluded retards who probably live in safe, gated, suburban neighborhoods and have absolutely no idea how bad Europe is suffering because of the migrant crisis.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - sli.mg