The movement has begun guys

Yes, I see that you don't see yourself as a patriot. I don't see myself as a patriot either. I have not put my ass on the line in the horrors of combat for my country nor have I died fighting for it. That, is a true patriot. Someone who is willing to give everything, including the chances that life itself will no longer be ahead of you.

I will say this again. We do not have a horrible government. Congress has not been working for the people as of late. But we still have a lot of rights that many other people in many other countries do not. Rock bottom would be a complete disregard of the basic outline America's founders laid out. We are not there yet. Not even close. You and other people can continue to be pessimistic, but I will not go with you.

Your analogy is horrible. There are a lot of politicians in this country and I'm sure you can find some damn good ones. Maybe they want to continue to influence their towns and their states instead of risking it all to go for the President of the United States. It is not an easy thing to do. It's frustrating but I understand that.

Obviously you would want to run for local offices and then work your way up before running for President. Or have a successful military career (like Ike).

I agree with your last line. Moving from ANY place to another is not an easy thing to do... you need to have a means to pay for your life and have the guts to go to an unfamiliar place. People move across this country all the time. People work overseas. But to move to another country simply because the top head of our government isn't ideal? That sir, is childish. And we can disagree on that. On everything. That's fine. Read the history on how this country was started. It would enlighten you quite a bit.

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