I think I messed up my face

My guess is that they will give your oral antibiotics. I think it's important that you heal your skin - what you've been doing has probably been hurting more than helping. If you're skin is damaged, it is more prone to infection and those treatments probably wont completely rid you of an active infection that covers so much surface area, they'll just suppress it..

See a doc as soon as you possibly can. Call around to different clinics, tell the doc who referred you that this is urgent. You might be able to get in somewhere sooner.

I wish I knew what you could do immediately, but this is a tricky thing. Im dealing with something similar myself. I think prognosis is generally good for these conditions though. In the mean time, sleep as best you can, eat well, get sun, move your body as much you can without aggravating symptoms, relax and distract as you need to so you dont go completely insane.

/r/eczema Thread