I hope Katie and Jesse talk about the allegations against Win Butler of Arcade Fire

Matt straight up molested women when they were sleeping without their consent. How is that in any way the same? There's consent here but not with the stuff ducktails was doing

I'm not reading the full article again but:

"On October 16, 2017, SPIN released an article describing the allegations against Mondanile, sharing details of incidents reported by seven women. Mondanile was accused of shoving at least two women into confined spaces while forcibly kissing and groping them, and of molesting at least four women in whose apartments he stayed while on tour. Many of these women were fans of Mondanile whose experiences occurred after they attended a Real Estate or Ducktails performance, and many were 5-10 years his junior. A classmate at Hampshire College also alleged that Mondanile molested her in her sleep in a dorm room in 2005. [11] Julia Holter, Mondanile's former girlfriend who also contributed to the Ducktails album St. Catherine, stated in the wake of the allegations that Mondanile was "emotionally abusive to the point where I had to have a lawyer intervene and was afraid for my life."[12]

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