It’s not the W you think it is…

lame internet terms

This is the internet and gish gallop is a well-understood term. Are you from the 1920s?

I've never paid for B&R.

You don't believe me that Jeet Heer asked Jesse a question and Jesse wouldn't answer - why would I believe you on this? But ok let's modify what I said - you don't pay someone to repeat your bigotries back at you, you have them repeat your bigotries back at you but don't pay for it. Better?

By the way you can easily find Jeet's half of that conversation where he poses Jesse a question and Jesse doesn't answer. Now in fairness you can't find the 20 or so long Tweet thread Jesse made about that conversation while still refusing to answer it. If only Jesse hadn't embarrassed himself so thoroughly that he had to nuke twitter - oh well.

It would only be trolling if people responded yes and he evaded.

This actually happened literally hours before Jesse nuked his Twitter lol. I know what you're going to say: "I didn't see this happen so it didn't happen."

The whole "debate me bro!" thing is dumb as fuck anyway - you go onto Jesse's podcast where it's 3 vs 1, there's no moderator, Jesse decides what the topics are and controls the flow of conversation, and it helps Jesse make money. Then his substack followers and the people on this sub say "Jesse handily won!!" The point of Jesse saying "come on my podcast" is that he knows the people who will respond are mutual grifters and people who view debate like circus performance - theater from which to make a dime.

The people who do debate as performance, on podcasts or Twitch streams, have no genuine interesting in truth-seeking. It's just brand building and monetization. Every time Jesse says "come on my podcast and debate me" what he's saying is "why don't you help me make money?" Which points to his acute case of main character syndrome - he genuinely believes that people being mean to him is front page news, and that every person has a moral responsibility to help him buy a Brooklyn brownstone.

If you really believe that you've behaved well here then that's fine.

I believe I've behaved better than Jessie and Katie, but that's a very low bar for sure. Last time I checked up on Katie she was bragging about how she spends her "touch grass" off-internet time finding Facebook groups of people to make fun of because she disapproves of their sexuality - seems like a real winner!

When Katie admits to being a shitlord troll (I mean that's her entire gimmick) you all clap and cheer, but if I breach decorum that's very very bad and I need a stern talking to from "FartSmell69."

You have non-existent standards for Jesse and Katie and very high standards for anyone who opposes them. Similar to how Jesse has no standard of evidence for anything that conforms to his world view and high standards for anything that dispels it. Which is what makes Jesse a bad journalist and why people correctly term him an anti-trans activist. He has no genuine interest in the truth, which is readily apparent if you pay attention to his reporting methods.

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