Hopefully I got it all correct

Rather than sides of the ocean, i believe the definition varies wildly locally then.

Where I live in Europe liberal is exclusively used in the mainstream media for neo liberal economics. :-D if you are on an internationals platform, definition should be included in the key (and true my English sources are usually in American English)

Now am fine with defining liberal through liberalism, but you still end up with opposing liberalism and conservative, one being linked to individual freedom, the other to keeping the established power structures in place you still end up in a tight place.

In the end you need more defined axes to characterize a political movement. You also need to clarify which part of your description refers to social norms, economic works, social vs individual power... (e.g. Trump would be a neo liberal, socially conservative, nationalist, authoritarian).

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it