Horrible dream *trigger warning: pedo* meaning?????

Eating with your boyfriend at a restaurant with your baby symbolises wholeness – so your psyche functioning in an optimal, healthy way, like a good family unit. You and your boyfriend are like two opposites of the psyche working in harmony with each other masculine and feminine. When this happens there’s often a child, symbolised by the baby. A restaurant symbolises a place of integration, when we eat we take on something and we become more, so it’s a symbol of psychic growth, integration. So you could say your feminine side (you) is integrating (restaurant, place of eating) with your masculine side (boyfriend) and this is bringing growth, psychic novelty (baby) but something is disrupting this symbolised by the man. Who knows what this man represents but it seems to be something in your psyche that’s deeply shocking to you somehow and disrupts the equilibrium (family) of your psyche. In Jungian psychology I’d say this man represents the shadow. This is something in our unconscious psyche that we deem as unacceptable so we repress it and in dreams it takes on this negative, disturbing aspect. Whatever we have inside ourselves that is deemed as negative or unacceptable, it will often be unconscious and in our shadow. I had a dream once I had a family that I had to save from a vampire, I think it’s exactly the same pattern, the shadow disrupts our wholeness, our authenticity – our fears prevent our psyche from functioning optimally. Hope that made sense to you.

/r/DreamInterpretation Thread