Hotel workers of Reddit, what is the strangest thing you've seen guests doing?

I have booked a hotel room in LA near a marina. When I check in I explain that I'll be working during the night (some hotels get very upset by unslept-in beds). The desk says "I'll put you with the rest of the crew". I've no idea what that means, maybe some Americanism or another.

I go to the bar and it's full of entertainment reporters, lawyers, photographers, riggers, audio. Great conversations. Great stories. It turns out the floor I am on is the floor of various crews supporting Grammy's acts.

I go to work. The Grammys are on the TV. By the time the job is done they are long over.

When I get back I catch the lift to the floor and walk along the corridor. There is the sound of a couple having loud sex. And as I pass the next door, the sounds of a different couple. And that's the scene along the length of the corridor. I am embarrassed, discomforted, and a little envious (this never happens in my line of work).

The door latch is being troublesome. It just won't open. I am about to give up when the door opens with an almighty thump. The door across the hall opens, a man in a dresing gown asks what happened, am I OK, and we have a conversation. Two women come out of the room into the corridor and we all talk. When we are quiet you can occasionally hear the sounds of sex.

One of the women says to me "I'm tired of watching these two get it on, I'd like to have an Australian". I explain that is the best offer I've had all my time whilst working in the USA, I am flattered, but I have a girlfriend and two young children. But if she would like to talk then I'd be over the moon. So we do.

tl;dr: the Grammys crew pull women with no effort. Bastards.

/r/AskReddit Thread