[Serious] Who did you trust completely only to have them betray you?

My Confirmation sponsor. I went to Catholic school for 9 years, and when you're in 8th grade, you get "confirmed" as a Catholic for the rest of your life. You're supposed to choose a sponsor whose job it is to keep you on the path of righteousness, blah, blah, blah. I chose a teacher from my school who had recently been let go due to downsizing, but had already found another gig. She and I were really close when she worked at my school; I told her things I wasn't telling my best friends, I would almost always visit her classroom before I went home... I thought we has a legit connection. When I asked her to be my sponsor, she was thrilled, totally went with it, and agreed. I'm pretty sure there were even some assignments we were supposed to do together, and we completed those as well (to the best of my recollection). Anyway, the night of confirmation comes... And she's nowhere to be found. I thought she was just running late... Still nowhere to be found. By the time it was my row's turn to go up to the altar and be blessed, I was balwing and she was nowhere. A deacon (sp?) who was assisting in the ceremony had to step in and be my sponsor instead. Afterwards, at the reception, all my teachers were consoling me and telling me how it had nothing to do with me, etc. I was on the outs with my group of friends at that time, and they even told me how sorry they were that it happened. When I got home, there was a message on our voice mail from her, saying that she couldn't make it because the road construction outside of her house was blocking her driveway and "they wouldn't let [her] out"... I tried to keep in contact with her after that but that didn't last long. Neither did my commitment to Catholicism, so I guess it worked out.

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