How do you know all other gods except Yahweh are false?

In my general approach to religion, this question doesn't really have any meaning. Allow me to explain. The following might get a little preachy, but please bear with me.

Let's assume there is a god. There might not be, but let's entertain the possiblity. In any case, if our history can tell us anything, it is that humans seem to have an affinity for believing in dieties. Of course, we can never know for sure what the actual truth is like for the world, but we speculate and fantasize. We have certain ideas for what a god might be like. For example, they might be trancendent and not bound by the rules of nature. They might be abstract shapeless beings, or they might have a fixed form.

In order to make the idea of god(s) relatable to people, we make up stories and give them human attributes. For example, in Christianity, the central God metaphor is essentially a mirror image of man. God (man) is The Father (the mind), the Son (the body) and the Holy Spirit (the spirit). Thus, through ourselves we may understand God. We say God is "loving", "merciful", "benevolent", etc., all human qualities not necessarily applicable to God proper, but it conveys important information about how we feel and think about Him. God's love is described in vivid imagery to capture our imagination. When we pray, especially when we plead with God or ask him questions, are we not implicitly pleading with ourselves?

Therefore, we can say a religion gives us a paradigm within which we can discuss these intangible ideas with eachother. Whether or not "the Christian model" is accurate or not is irrelevant. Whichever way the pendulum swings, the colourful language and vivid imagery of Christianity is as alive and real as it ever was.

Addendum: Some may feel that this way of thinking does religion a disservice. That is fine. I do not claim to be an authority on the topic, or to have it all figured out for myself. In fact, I rarely think like the above in my own practice of Christianity, only when I thinking about it.

/r/DebateAChristian Thread