How are you doing, really?

Not great. If something drastic doesn’t change I’ll be dead in less than a month. I have multiple health issues that are competing to kill me. But I’m ok with it. I’ve known since I was little that I wouldn’t have a long life. When I was 7 I was at the doctor and I overheard him talking to my mom outside the room so I put my ear to the door and he told her I would be lucky to make 21. When she came in I could tell she had been crying but was putting on a brave face.

On the drive home we stopped for ice cream (we were broke all the time so this was a HUGE treat), and after I gave her a big hug and told her the doctor was wrong and that I would outlive her. She looked at me with the saddest eyes and just hugged me for what seemed like an hour. I promised her I would and I did. I’m turning 60 in 25 days and I’m holding out for that. My mom died in 2001 so I lived up to my promise.

I’ve done everything I ever wanted to do and more so now I’m just hanging around out of pure stubbornness.

/r/CasualConversation Thread