So how can Ice Barriers be useful?

Regardless of which direction they take the archetype, the solution is essentially the same. If they want to make Ice Barriers a synchro archetype, they need to be able to consistently put monsters on the board quickly. If they want to go the control route, they need the same thing because their effects rely on another Ice Barrier monster being on the board.

The control route would probably be the easiest because Prior, Grunard and Gantala at least are the beginnings of a relevant swarm effect. Cryomancer, Dai-Sojo, Defender, Raiho, Medium and Secret Guards have usable control effects though somewhat dated. Control also makes more sense with the "ice barrier" theme.

The Synchro route would finally give Ice Barrier fans the ability to use their once-amazing (and still pretty good) ED but also needs some really big fixes. Prior is the closest thing to setting up a synchro play but then it has a restriction to ensure that never happens. Grunard is way too much investment for unreliabe payout. Gantala just doesn't work unless we get a Tuner that lets us synchro on the opponent's turn.

Basically, the bare minimum they need is swarm options so we aren't summoning one monster a turn, this will help both routes. What sort of swarm depends on what route we are going. More ST would also be greatly appreciated, we've got a nice RotA and an unreliable Triangle.

/r/yugioh Thread